Skoulaman & Son played live at E-day, NL

snapshot E-day 2015

Welcome at Skoulaman's musical portal

What is it with synthesizers ? It started a lot of years, my fascination for this kind of instruments. Was it the music from Vangelis "Spiral" album, Tomita's "Girl with the flaxen Hair", Jean Michel Jarre's "Oxygen", Kraftwerk's "Autobahn" ore  "Stratosfear" from Tangerine Dream.

I don't known, maybe Mike Oldfields  "Ommadawn"  (although it was not only synth's).

In 2015 live at the Awakenings-em in the UK

Some videos of track 1 and track 4

Photo's made by Phil Booth

Cosmic Grunn, Groningen, NL, 2016

I played 2 sets, one with Ricardo di Lago. YT video 

What it was, well it doesn't matter, now after more then 40 years I make my own synth music and try to fascinate other people with this incredible musical instrument. At this website you can read more about my studio, equipment, my music etc. but first some history

It started at the the end of the 70's. I was wondering how that beautiful music was made from Vangelis, TD, JMJ, Tomita, Kraftwerk, Mike Oldfield , and so on. I read (mostly at that time at the back of a LP-album) about Moog modulairs, String synthesizers, EMT-eventide reverb, Binson-Echorec, Roland Space Dimensions, ARP, Oberheim , etc, etc.  It was al abacadadra for me but it impressed me. All the knobs, pots, gliders, flashing seqeuncers, it looks far away for me. My first keyboard was a Solina electronic organ with a evening study how to play.  But after a few months it started really. I cought my hands on a second hand Solina String Synthesizer, a truly amazing combination of a ARP-explorer and the famous Solina string. A short time after that came my first reverb unit, a Sansui. A straight forward spring reverb. Well...and then...came the Ibanez UE 400 multi (guitar) effect with flanger and phaser and then...the Sequentiel Circuits Pro-one, a really monofon synthesizer,  and then.....

Now after more than 40 years a lot has changed. Now I am capable making CD's, to record digital, stream music on internet  and show it to you on my website (and Youtube). Some of my equipment is sold ore refurbished. I bought/changed gear (mostly 2e hand) and now and than I play live at stage. This is done with without computer (no backing tracks etc.). Only a hardware sequencer ore an arpeggiator is used. Most of the gear on stage is MIDI coupled. At the left side there are some pictures from my performances and banners from em-music festivals. If you like me to perform just write me a message through my FB (messenger) ore bandcamp account. My music was used for a video art project For more info about my music visit the Music and CD's page. How to describe my music.? I call it old skool electronic music, some say TD other Vangelis ore Robert Schröeder, just listen to my Youtube and my Bandcamp account. See also the comments in my Vid's. I did even a live streaming at the BYSS studio, you can still veiw the streamed concert at Skoulaman Byssed'. Another performance I did in 2021 was at the Raumzeit FestivalI performed there in a closed down powerplant in Amsterdam (see picture below). Last year I performed in Germany at the Schallwelle Grillparty and at the Electronic Circus summer edition (together with Ron Boots). Reviews from some concerts at EM-pulsiv. Also I did a performance at XHAP in the Netherlands and a concert together with Stephan Whitlan at E-live and at Awakenings-em.

Skoulaman and Son performed on the main stage at E-day 2018, NL, May 31th

and videos of track 1 and track 4

Skoulaman equipment at the Powerplant in 2021 during the Raumzeit Festival 

I performed with

Nick Robinson at Awakenings-em in the UK,  April 14th 2018.Photo's made by Phil Booth.


Photo's made by Chuck van Zyl 

I performed in the USA, may 18th 2019 in Philadelphia, at

the Gatherings. I did also a radio concert at Starsend radio Harrison McKay played the

E-guitar and Ian Stear did the first act at the Gatherings.  Some videos of the concerts: 1    2    3   and   4


Skoulaman and Ron Boots during Electronic Circus Summerparty in Borgholzhausen, D, 2022. Photo made by Phil Booth


Skoulaman during the Schallwelle Grillparty, D. 2022. Photo made by Phil Booth

Skoulaman logo, used during my performance in Rugely, UK, 2023, photo  made by Alfed Arnold


Skoulaman and Stephen Whitlan on stage at the E-live in CKE Einhoven, 2022  photo made by Andre Stooker

Skoulaman and Stephen Whitlan did the same in Rugely, UK, 2023 photo  made by Phil Booth.